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Open Bibliographic Data

What is the Open Bibliograpic Data Service?

Institutions that manage bibliographic records (e.g libraries, museums, etc) are eligible to receive Open Bibliographic Data Services developed by the National Documentation Centre of Greece (EKT). The Centre aims to enhance the availability and re-use of bibliographic data for the Greek scientific community in a way that ensures open access to this data and sustainability.

The Open Bibliographic Data Service allows for the ingestion, management, enrichment, quality checking and the publishing of the bibliographic records (library data) as Linked Open Data.

The Open Bibliographic Data Service offers:

  • Quality of bibliographic data (through copy cataloguing and end-user contribution to the data improvement)
  • Open access to reliable bibliographic data records
  • Lower cost for the preservation and curation of  bibliographic data
  • Value-added services based on Linked Open Bibliographic Data