Along with the Repository and OpenABEKT services, the following value-adding complementary services are also provided for the institutions and organizations:
E-Learning and Remote Support Services
E-learning and Remote Support Services aim at optimising the use of the SaaS Repository and OpenABEKT services. Institutions and organizations enjoy continuous support so that they can make the most of the provided services.
E-learning includes a comprehensive teaching program in the form of standardised remote training which will guide the authorised users (institutions and organisations) how on using the services. Illustrated material, teaching aids, texts with detailed instructions, multimedia presentations, use cases and narratives provide lively and animated clarification and descriptions of the available Repository Services and OpenAbekt services.
Additionally, institutional agents have instant access to remote support services so that they can directly solve issues encountered. EKT holds accumulated experience and know how in the field since the Centre already applies and further develops e-learning and remote support services in the context of ABEKT.
Rights Information Management Service
The process of identifying and clearing rights to allow for lawful re-use of digitised data and effective content management is often a complicated and time-consuming process. Rights Information Management Services offer consultation and advice to institutions and organizations regarding copyright permission for multimedia materials, address copyright issues, assist institutions in seeking permission or interpreting fair use guidelines, attributing an appropriate license etc.
In brief, the Rights Information Management Service:
Common Knowledge Base
During the implementation of the SaaS services project, we expect that a vast base of knowledge will be produced on open metadata and open content, valuable material and resources (troubleshooting information, articles, white papers, guidelines, presentations, reports, instructions, user manuals, knowledge tags, or answers to frequently asked questions ) regarding issues such as the application of content standards, technical, legal and operational issues.
The collection of such rich resources will comprise a common knowledge database of significant value not only for the country's institutions and organizations but also for end users as well.