One more digital repository providing reliable information regarding Open Technologies, both in Greece and internationally, was recently developed by the National Documentation Centre, in cooperation with the Greek Free/ Open Source Software Society (GFOSS).
Visitors can browse through its collections and search among open accessible studies, videos, proceedings and presentations on Open Technologies. Registered users can, in addition, upload relevant content, enabling other users’ access to it.
The GFOSS Repository not only contributes to the systematic collection, management and open dissemination of digital content on open technologies and open software, but also fosters its wide use and re-use with the aim of promoting Open Content actions and Open Software benefits.
The repository numbers 319 records, being a remarkable source of knowledge about open software development and its potentials, as well as the use of Creative Commons Licenses in Greece and abroad. It was developed according to the requirements of the Greek Free/ Open Source Software Society and assures the perpetual preservation of its content, facilitates its sustainable reuse, as well as the data migration and data extraction using international standards.
The GFOSS Repository was developed within the Project "National Information System for Research and Technology/Social Networks-User Generated Content" (NISRT). NISRT is co-financed by Greece and the European Union - European Regional Development Fund (Operational Programme "Digital Convergence", NSFR) ( ).
The National Documentation Centre develops Repository Services for Greek cultural and scientific institutions. These services are being further evolving, combining Software as a Service (SaaS) and Cloud Computing technologies, in order to develop a sustainable ecosystem for the management and delivery of authoritative digital content.
The Greek Free / Open Source Software Society (GFOSS) is a non-profit organization, which was founded in 2008 by Universities and Research Centers. Today it consists of 29 Universities and Research Centers. Its major goal is to promote the use and development of Open Technologies in Education, Public Administration and Business in Greece, becoming a knowledge hub and a platform for dialogue on Free Software, Open Content & Open Hardware and their benefits.