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Κέντρο Τύπου

International Conference on national developments and international trends around Open Access

International Conference on Open Access

The Greek National Documentation Centre is organizing in Athens, in October 2013, the International Open Access Conference @ EKT- the third in a series of such international conferences organised since 2008. The conference provides a unique meeting point for specialists on open access, research policy-makers, such as research funders and research performing institution administrators, students and interested individuals to explore current trends in Open Access in Greece and Europe.

The first day of the conference (October 16) explores the trends and developments in Open Access in Greece, and specifically on public sector information, open government and open education/open research initiatives and projects.

The second part of the conference (October 17th and 18th) is the final conference of MedOANet (, a European project coordinated by the National Documentation Centre (EKT/NHRF) to promote the implementation of coordinated open access policies among Mediterranean European countries.

The final conference of MedOANet will serve to present the results of the project, placing them in the wider European perspectives on Open Access policies, and providing a forum for the current debate on Open Access policy implementation practices within the EU. Specifically, the final conference will focus on best practices in policy implementation among research funders and research performing institutions, as well as a discussion of open access within the European Research Area.

The program of the International Open Conference@EKT will include presentations by renowned experts and representatives from the areas of research and Open Access. The conference is of special interest for institutions that are involved in research policy and research performing institutions.

Admission to all the conference is free, however online registration prior to the event is required.Registration Form

The tentative program of the conference including the speakers will be available at the end of July. 

For the full program and registrations go the conference website: